Sunday, July 17, 2011

Booth Metamorphosis

The first event we went to where we had a booth was the Hokuloa. We managed to throw it together a bit last minute, but it was at the beach so at least it felt like home. It went well for our first event. There were a few women who ran up the booth frantically yelling 'I LOOOOOVE MUSTACHES??' and God bless them.

This is how our booth looked, conveniently placed right next to the recycling depository.

A month or so later, we had a booth at the Johnny Cash Music festival at the Ventura Fairgrounds. We definitely had our act least a bit better than the first event. We went out and got sheets and decor to help out presentation. check it out:

We met a bunch of really cool people, a lot of different people. It was quite entertaining actually. When I think 'Johnny Cash Music Festival' I think older folk rock / country, so when a bunch of greasers in sick cars showed up with a tattoos and piercing, I was caught off guard, but loved it. There was also a pin-up girl competition, so there were a ton of girls dressed up in a manner that I only thought existed in old playboy cartoons...fantastic! I apologize for not having any pictures of that.

However, we met a bunch of rad people...this is the only pic I have - two of the many mustache enthusiasts:

Thank you all for the friendly conversation as well as supporting the cause. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god love swag to da maximum, swag on hundred thousand--hundred trillion!
